上海天祥质量技术服务有限公司金桥分公司(Intertek 天祥集团)
合资 150-500人 检测,认证
合资 150-500人 检测,认证
Intertek is the leading quality solutions provider to industries worldwide. From auditing and inspection, to testing, training, advisory, quality assurance and certification, Intertek adds value to customers’ products, processes and assets. With a network of more than 1,000 laboratories and offices and over 36,000 people in more than 100 countries, Intertek supports companies’ success in a global marketplace. Intertek helps its customers to meet end users’ expectations for safety, sustainability, performance, integrity and desirability in virtually any market worldwide.Intertek Automotive ServicesIntertek provides services for automotive quality assurance services for components, products & systems since 1974.In 2005 our Intertek Automotive Services China office was established in Shanghai, who is the 1st lab that has full EMC recognition by GM, Ford & Chrysler (A2LA/AEMCLRP) in China. We provide a wide range of testing, inspection, and consulting services for the automotive industry through our accreditations, and provide various testing items based on our customer’s requirement.Intertek automotive services offering automotive OEMs and tier 1 suppliers testing & services mainly focus on automotive interiors & exteriors, electronic components & assemblies according to a variety of testing standards as GM, Ford, Chrysler, CISRP, ISO,SAE, GB, VW, Fiat, Rover, Volvo, Toyota, Honda, Mazda, Nissan, etc.Our one station services include:- EMC testing- Material testing- VOCs testing- Vibration testing- Durability testing- Electrical testing- Environmental testing- BSR testing- Mechanical testing- Fixture manufacturing- Supplier chain quality servicesIntertek 自1974年开始为汽车行业的零部件、产品和系统提供质量保证服务。2005年,Intertek汽车服务在中国上海成立分公司。这是中国首家拥有经福特、通用和克莱斯勒认可的EMC全能力实验室(A2LA/AEMCLRP) 。我们为汽车行业提供全面的测试、检测和咨询服务。同时根据客户的需求,为其提供定制化的测试服务。Intertek汽车服务致力于为汽车整车厂及一级供应商提供汽车内外饰件和汽车电子零部件及总成方面的专业测试。我们提供的服务所能满足各大主车厂的标准,如:通用、福特、克莱斯勒、CISRP、ISO、SAE、GB、大众、菲亚特、罗孚、沃尔沃、丰田、本田、马自达、日产等等。我们的一站式服务包括:- EMC测试- 材料测试- VOCs测试- 振动测试- 耐久性测试- 电子测试- 噪音测试- 机械测试- 环境测试- 工装夹具制作- 供应链质量管理服务